Independent contractor since 2002.
Since 2003, I've been the contract Editor for Dorothy Ramon Learning Center, a 501(c)3 educational nonprofit that saves and shares Southern California's Native American cultures, languages, history, and traditional arts.
I serve as Editor of the publishing arm, Ushkana Press, researching, writing, editing, designing and producing publications. In research I often discover and document obscured or previously unknown information that offers new historical perspectives.
During the 2020 pandemic we launched a weekly online newsletter filled with cultural information. News from Dorothy Ramon Learning Center newsletter has since steadily gained subscribers and been widely shared. The newsletter offers cultural memories, history revelations, discussions of cultural topics, and much more, including people's relationships with the landscapes of Native Southern California homelands.
Ushkana Press Publishing Sampler:
This War is For a Whole Life: The Culture of Resistance Among Southern California Indians, 1850-1966
By Richard Hanks, PhD
By Richard Hanks, PhD
Pat Murkland, Editor
Cover illustration: David Fairrington
Paperback book, 240 pages with photographs
2012, ISBN 978-0-9754496-4-6, Retail: $30
This landmark work tells the mostly untold stories of Southern California's own Native American heroes as they waged battle in tumultuous times to secure their Southern California homelands, natural resources, and respect. Historical photos, and the voices of Southern California Native American Elders help tell this history that's been missing from the history books — until now.
Standing Firm: The Mission Indian Federation Fight for Basic Human Rights
By Deborah Dozier, with contributions from Pauline Murillo, Ernest Siva, Richard Hanks, and Pat Murkland
Editor: Pat Murkland
32-page booklet with illustrations. Retail $10.
A brief history of the birth of the Mission Indian Federation, a ground-breaking organization that helped Native Americans fight for civil rights, and laid the groundwork for modern tribal sovereignty.
Editor: Pat Murkland
32-page booklet with illustrations. Retail $10.
A brief history of the birth of the Mission Indian Federation, a ground-breaking organization that helped Native Americans fight for civil rights, and laid the groundwork for modern tribal sovereignty.
Voices of the Flute: Songs of Three Southern California Indian Nations
By Ernest H. Siva
Editor: Pat Murkland
48-page paperback book & recorded CD set
2004, revised 2006. ISBN 0-975-4496-0-5
With music, flute fingering notations, photos.
Editor: Pat Murkland
48-page paperback book & recorded CD set
2004, revised 2006. ISBN 0-975-4496-0-5
With music, flute fingering notations, photos.
Another groundbreaker. Learn the Indian words and music to these traditional songs, some written with their music for the first time. Then hear the songs sung and played on the flute.
The Road to Maarrenga': Serrano Memories of a Long-Ago Ceremony at Mission Creek
By Sarah Martin with Kenneth C. Hill
Editor: Pat Murkland
40-page paperback with photos
2005, ISBN 0-975-4496-2-1 Retail: $15
2005, ISBN 0-975-4496-2-1 Retail: $15
A story in Serrano of a little girl's journey in the early 1900s to a ceremony in the High Desert of Southern California. The place and the ceremony are gone but through this work the culture and language live on. Includes oral history memories from family members.
Go! Mih! Waakish! A Little Book of Phrases
Serrano by Ernest H. Siva
Desert Cahuilla by Christina Morreo
Editor: Pat Murkland
24-page color booklet with illustrations
2007, ISBN 978-0-975-4496-3-9
Help save and share our beautiful Indigenous California languages. Learn how to say, "I love you," or, "let's eat!"
Serrano by Ernest H. Siva
Desert Cahuilla by Christina Morreo
Editor: Pat Murkland
24-page color booklet with illustrations
2007, ISBN 978-0-975-4496-3-9
Help save and share our beautiful Indigenous California languages. Learn how to say, "I love you," or, "let's eat!"

I've organized numerous lectures, workshops and events over 20 years at Dorothy Ramon Learning Center. Example:

I founded and co-chair Dorothy Ramon Learning Center's regional Native Voices Poetry Festival, which just completed its 7th year celebrating the Native voice in all the arts. All are welcome to the free event. People create their own stories and art in workshops, discover and explore displays and hands-on exhibits sharing the joy of our Southern California Native American cultures and their relationships with our beautiful and unique landscapes, and enjoy family-friendly performances, many in our own California Native languages. This year (2023) we also featured a language panel, and a Native-produced film on how the cultural appropriation and commercialization of sage smudging is impacting the Native community and the plant.
Sponsors and grant donors throughout the years have included Idyllwild Arts, California State University, San Bernardino, and CSUSB Palm Desert; Banning Community Fund; Mt. San Jacinto Community College; College of the Desert; Inlandia Institute; Banning Schools Indian Education Program; Poets & Writers; PoetrIE; Morongo Cultural Resources; and Banning Library District.
Continuing: Contract work in publications and multiple types of content writing, including a recent 32-page booklet (researched, wrote, designed) on the history of Morongo Reservation for Morongo Cultural Education Dept., and a brochure (researched, wrote, designed) on St. Boniface School, a now-defunct local boarding school for Native Americans.
2013-2015 Copywriter for Geographics of Riverside, CA, a marketing and communications firm providing services for public agencies and utilities. Wrote municipal newsletters, economic development marketing, and public information and service outreach. Often rendered complex "stuff" into accessible information.
2010-2012 Writer, substitute Editor, and Calendar Editor for online news service. Breaking news, features, and entertainment for patch sites throughout Southern California.
1984-2002 Reporter for The Press-Enterprise newspaper (then 173,000 circulation in Inland Southern California). Varied beats, the longest as a general assignment reporter, reporting and photographing all from spot news and features to in-depth investigations. Also served as substitute desk editor and columnist. In-house honors included a one-year special stipend as a "senior writer" to develop and teach good writing at the newspaper.
1980-84 Correspondent for the Sacramento Bee and for McClatchy News Service, including two years as reporter-contractor providing full-time, competitive daily news and photo coverage of Placer County, then the newspaper's highest circulation area outside Sacramento.
1980-81 Acting news director for KIEM-TV (then a CBS affiliate), Eureka, CA, overseeing news and camera crews, also writing news and coordinating coverage of weekday half-hour news broadcasts at 6 and 11 p.m. We led the market of three competing stations.
1979-80 Reporter and weekend editor of the Eureka, CA, Times-Standard newspaper, 24,000 circulation. As editor, responsible for news and photo assignments, editing, and supervising layout, paste-up, and all production of weekend papers.
1978-79 Reporter, editor, copy desk chief, Foster's Daily Democrat, Dover, NH, 20,000 daily circulation. As reporter covered city beats; as editor, edited all daily copy, wrote headlines, laid out pages, and helped design special sections.
Classes I've taught
Upcoming in summer 2023: Alternative Art Books, for teen-agers at Banning Library. Funded by the Cultural Alliance of the Pass and supported by Friends of Banning Library and Banning Library District.
2010-2012 Writer, substitute Editor, and Calendar Editor for online news service. Breaking news, features, and entertainment for patch sites throughout Southern California.
1984-2002 Reporter for The Press-Enterprise newspaper (then 173,000 circulation in Inland Southern California). Varied beats, the longest as a general assignment reporter, reporting and photographing all from spot news and features to in-depth investigations. Also served as substitute desk editor and columnist. In-house honors included a one-year special stipend as a "senior writer" to develop and teach good writing at the newspaper.
1980-84 Correspondent for the Sacramento Bee and for McClatchy News Service, including two years as reporter-contractor providing full-time, competitive daily news and photo coverage of Placer County, then the newspaper's highest circulation area outside Sacramento.
1980-81 Acting news director for KIEM-TV (then a CBS affiliate), Eureka, CA, overseeing news and camera crews, also writing news and coordinating coverage of weekday half-hour news broadcasts at 6 and 11 p.m. We led the market of three competing stations.
1979-80 Reporter and weekend editor of the Eureka, CA, Times-Standard newspaper, 24,000 circulation. As editor, responsible for news and photo assignments, editing, and supervising layout, paste-up, and all production of weekend papers.
1978-79 Reporter, editor, copy desk chief, Foster's Daily Democrat, Dover, NH, 20,000 daily circulation. As reporter covered city beats; as editor, edited all daily copy, wrote headlines, laid out pages, and helped design special sections.
Classes I've taught
Upcoming in summer 2023: Alternative Art Books, for teen-agers at Banning Library. Funded by the Cultural Alliance of the Pass and supported by Friends of Banning Library and Banning Library District.
Most recently: "Storybooking," 2023, 6 weeks at Banning Library, for ages 8-12, making, writing, and illustrating your own books. Funded by the Cultural Alliance of the Pass with a grant from Morongo Reservation, and supported by Friends of Banning Library and Banning Library District.
Guest lecturer in Cal State San Bernardino graphic arts class, 2022 and 2021.
Previously: classes in oral history; interviewing; collage and alternative arts; handmade books; making art from recycled objects (different venues including Palm Springs Museum and the UC Extension); writing; history; Internet use (through UC Extension and varied conferences and conventions). Favorite seminars given: "Storytelling on Deadline," a National Writers Workshop (Poynter); also workshops given at national Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) and Society of Environmental Reporters (SEJ) conferences.
Numerous history and other lectures over the years, most recently (as a volunteer), a historic display requested by the city in Banning City Hall in September 2022; a lecture for the San Gorgonio Pass Historical Society in December 2022, "Christmas with the Gilmans," and the Woman's Club in January 2023, "Celebrating the Founders," about the women who defied turn-of-the-century "rules" restricting women's rights, founded the club, and the community.
Community Engagement
Volunteer board member, Dorothy Ramon Learning Center, saving and sharing Native American cultures, since 2003.
Volunteer board member, Dorothy Ramon Learning Center, saving and sharing Native American cultures, since 2003.
Volunteer board member, San Gorgonio Pass Historical Society, sharing history of our region.
Volunteer board member, Two Canyons Conservancy, working to preserve and present the unique San Timoteo and Live Oak Canyons between Loma Linda and Beaumont.
Volunteer club historian, Banning Woman's Club.
Member, Friends of Banning Library.
Member, Gilman Ranch Hands (supporting the national landmark Gilman Historic Ranch and Wagon Museum in Banning).
Active volunteer at varied events as needed.
Member, Gilman Ranch Hands (supporting the national landmark Gilman Historic Ranch and Wagon Museum in Banning).
Active volunteer at varied events as needed.
Numerous history and other lectures over the years, most recently (as a volunteer), a historic display requested by the city in Banning City Hall in September 2022; a lecture for the San Gorgonio Pass Historical Society in December 2022, "Christmas with the Gilmans," and the Woman's Club in January 2023, "Celebrating the Founders," about the women who defied turn-of-the-century "rules" restricting women's rights, founded the club, and the community.
• Lifelong scholar. Most recent class: "Newsletter Strategies for Journalists," taught through the Knight Center for Journalism.
• Bachelor's degree in journalism (University of Maine).
• Continuing education includes a graphic-design program certificate (UC Riverside Extension).
• Extensive training in oral history, a keystone of my interviewing and storytelling.